Caraneal Yorkshire Terriers
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CH. Caraneal's Under the Mistletoe

Name: Misty

Caraneal's Under the Mistletoe

AM/CAN Durrer's High Falutin AM/CAN Durrer's Ace High CH. Rothby's Renne'Gade CH. Jentre's Charger of Mistangay
CH. Rothby's Reflection
AM/CAN Durrer's Regalia AM/CAN Jentre's Royal Signature
Durrer's Singalong
CAN CH. Durrer's Whistle Bait AM/CAN Durrer's Tin Whistle AM/CAN Lavally Mooncoyne Bobby
CAN CH. Mardonlyn's Dancer A Go Go
CAN CH. Durrer's Enchantment AM/CAN Jentre's Royal Signature
CAN CH. Durrer's Enchanted Melody
Caraneal's Hard Headed Hannah Caraneal's Look Me Up CH. Caraneal's Patrick Henry AM/CAN Thimbletip Lion D'Or
Caraneal's Miss Caroline
CH. Caraneal's Ready With Anticipation CH. Caraneal's Charged And Ready ROM
CH. Robtell Britney At Caraneal ROM
CH. Caraneal's Aiming High ROM AM/CAN Durrer's High Falutin AM/CAN Durrer's Ace High
CAN CH. Durrer's Whistle Bait
CH. Caraneal's Guilty As Charged CH. Caraneal's Charged And Ready ROM
Caraneal's Shall Be Blue

Caraneal's Under The Mistletoe

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